Simona Kuchyňková



What makes you special?

My story is definitely special, how I got into Cube Action Team, and what I had to go through. I also think that it will be mainly my approach and dedication to the sport. And my style on the bike is definitely special haha.

What does the CUBE Actionteam mean to you?

It’s an absolute honor for me and above all a dream come true! getting to pro team with such history and vibes is something I’ve wanted since ever.

What are you doing before the start?

I’m doing easy warmup, a few sprints, and a stabilization. Then I’ll crack my fingers and go for it!

What are your goals?

Take the top spots, bring the steeze to the women’s field, and have fun on the bike!

Where do you prefer to train?

I honestly don’t care, every location has its own charm, but Finale Ligure will definitely be on top.

What do you do when you’re not on the bike?

I watch F1 and all the drama around, hang out with friends, especially in the gym, and try new sports, now it’s definitely squash!

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